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/Legit Locus (Malang, 05 Sept 2022)

What a legit locus

Sweet man
Kontur yang seperti bolu
Husky smile
Bungee hair:
di balik daun-daun yang membatik
Seperti facade
dalam lukisan barok;
interface nan bullet time

The way he tucks 
a few strands of it behind his ear:
My logic breaks into pieces
The way he strokes it down:
draped that mane-looks-alike
over his shoulder and chest -
My wit breaks into flakes

Memiliki kaki-kaki penari tribal Jawa
yang putih
Telapak quaint 
Satu brittle creature
Mematerialize Arjuna -

Love at the first sight?
Anehnya tidak

This one,
constructed love
cubic by cubic
nicotine by nicotine
song by song
lyric by lyric
poem by poem


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